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Today, regretfully, I am announcing  termination of my candidacy for President of the United States.

I am ending my campaign because the candidacies of the truly insane have, well,… gone into the toilet, leaving me the difficult task of thinking up parodies rather than simply reproducing the candidates own public statements.

Also, as I have mentioned previously, I am one of the few people who actually likes, Mendacious Mitt. For someone completely lacking a public personality, he has managed to become the media’s dream candidate by basically refusing to do things. Some pundits have criticized his refusals as bad strategy, but I, on the other hand, suspect that it may be brilliant.

Imagine if during his acceptance speech after garnering the nomination at the Republican convention he refuses to run for president. The free press coverage would dwarf what he could buy no matter how large the campaign contributions made by those 10 wealthy men into his independent expenditure funds.

(Please Note: Many posts regarding my candidacy have appeared in other venues, most specifically in the blog “This and that…” beginning June 2011 and continuing until today. I invite you to explore Pookie’s candidacy and observations on the campaign at that site. Simply enter “Pookie for President” into the search box and you will be directed to those posts containing commentary and observation. )

Never forget that if you chose to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, soldier, or nurse, it is your own fault you are not rich.

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For that matter, you are also incompetent inefficient government drones, parasitically living off the public payroll. Why don’t you get a real job in the private market flipping hamburgers instead of living on public handouts paid for by our taxes?

For this reason, Pookie’s platform promisis to privatize all public services and eliminate their funding from public sources.


Parody this:

Rick Santorum, Republican candidate for president, who opposes abortion for any reason including conception as a result of rape or incest and who also opposes any form of governmental aid for the health and welfare of the children that are born, forcefully advocated for the selective assassination of nuclear scientists from countries such as Russia, North Korea and Iran because they may at some point become a threat to the US.

Santorum considers himself to be one of the most moral men in America today.

Hmm… let’s see, should abortion be legal for Muslim women because their children may become a threat to the US. How about poor women because they are more likely to birth children who grow up to be Democrats and therefore are…?

And how about this:

“I don’t care about that, if that’s what comes, I’ll take that criticism.”

Rick Perry, one time Republican candidate for President, in an interview with The New York Times, said this about the massively increased economic inequality that would result from his proposed tax plan.

OK, Rick I really don’t care what becomes of you either, as long as you do not become President.

OK it’s not just politicians:

“I, like you, get a little incensed when you think about how much good all of you do, whether its volunteer hours, charitable giving we do, serving clients and customers well.You ought to think a little about that before you start yelling at us.”

Bank of America CEO Bryan Moynihan in response to customer complaints about the bank’s plan to charge $5 a month fee for debit card purchases.

Huh? And do you wonder why the banksters and the other masters of the universe are shocked when people suggest that they may bear some responsibility for the world’s economic crisis? They are idiots, that’s why. BofA later withdrew their proposal and apparently are now well on their way to bankrupcy.

Is parody strong enough?

The recently concluded Conservative Political Action Conference at which all the major Republican presidential contenders spoke, as well as did prominent Republican members of Congress is co-sponsored by several organizations including “Youth for Western Civilization” whose founder, Marcus Epstein, was arrested and pled guilty to a hate crime after karate chopping a black woman on a street while calling her a “nigger,” and who is reputed to have strong ties to European Neo-Fascist organizations (according to People for the American Way).

Written by trenzpruca

February 21, 2012 at 11:13 pm

More on the futility of parody.

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Among are reasons why attempts to parody the contemporary far-right and the current Republican candidates appear futile are that their own words appear to be beyond parody. As a result, periodically I will be posting items in my campaign literature called, “In their own words.” Here are some:

“Much of what you see in the Catholic Church today doesn’t come from God’s Word, it comes from that cult-like, pagan religion. Now you say, ‘pastor how can you say such a thing? That is such an indictment of the Catholic Church. After all the Catholic Church talks about God and the Bible and Jesus and the Blood of Christ and Salvation.’

Isn’t that the genius of Satan? If you want to counterfeit a dollar bill, you don’t do it with purple paper and red ink, you’re not going to fool anybody with that. But if you want to counterfeit money, what you do is make it look closely related to the real thing as possible.

And that’s what Satan does with counterfeit religion. He uses, he steals, he appropriates all of the symbols of true biblical Christianity, and he changes it just enough in order to cause people to miss eternal life.”
Dr Robert Jeffries, minister and ardent supporter of Rick Perry and most other Republican candidates except Mitt Romney (and probably Newt because of his recent conversion to Catholicism) and leading light of the fear and hate caucus. Jeffries was prominent at the recent “Values Voters Summit” as well as Perry’s prayer shindig.

If I tried to put words like that into Pookie’s mouth or into the mouth of one of his imaginary supporters, it would and should be derided as not credible for a thinking human being to say, much less for anyone to believe or follow. Sort of makes you feel a little sorry for Mitt and Newt.

Then we have: Rick Santorum who, in response to a question regarding the difference between the civil rights movement and gay rights, said:

“You are black by the color of your skin. You are not homosexual, necessarily, by the color of your skin.”

Now I understand. I really do.

On the other hand sometimes they propose the darndest things:

Cost Cutting For Our Times: Officials in southeast Georgia are considering a money-saving program that would put inmates in fire stations. Officials say the inmates would respond to all emergencies — including residential fires — alongside traditional firefighters.”

For some reason my liberal bias assumes that the officials referred to are Republican. Maybe not, since this appears to be one of those examples of politically generated foolishness that knows no party label. How about putting them into police stations while we’re at it? They could learn a lot there. Have we really come down to this?

On the other hand we have Rick Santorum again who always can be relied upon to raise political hyperbole from “Did he really say that” to WTF.

“Look at the political base of the Democratic Party: it is single mothers who run a household. Why? Because it’s so tough economically that they look to the government for help and therefore they’re going to vote. So if you want to reduce the Democratic advantage, what you want to do is build two parent families, you eliminate that desire for government.”

A few weeks back, I was thinking of writing a campaign piece about abortion where I suggest that the Republicans may wish to reconsider their position since the well off [mostly Republicans] have always been able to secure an abortion whenever they wanted one, but the poor [mostly Democrats] would be forced to birth new voters for that reviled party. I did not do so because I did not think it was credible. I may reexamine that.

Written by trenzpruca

February 18, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Pookie says, let’s get back on the God Train.

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I guess if I were to give the year a name, I would call 2011 “The Year the Train Left the Station and We Were Not On it.” Since there were too many departing trains that we missed to discuss here, I will only look at what could be referred to as “The Big Train” or the “Everything Train” or even the “God Train.”

The God Train has an engineer and a conductor who sometimes change jobs. One I like to call “The Sorcerers Apprentice.” He represents the fundamental physical and mathematical constraint that nothing in nature increases geometrically forever. (In other words the only miracle of compound interest occurs if you are lucky to get out in time.) As long as there is an end (a wall), whether it is at the far reaches of the universe or across the room compound, growth eventually must stop. In our case, you and I, the limit is often set by the earth; its air water or whatever. In 2011 it appears to me that most of us, even those whose interest it is to ignore or deny it have recognized a feeling no matter how vague that there are limits to most things. Unfortunately, one of the undeniable aspects of geometric growth is that, in effect, it speeds up the closer it gets to its limit. This is often represented in the hockey stick graph we have all seen whenever someone wishes to frighten someone else into awareness of a particular limit. (It never works by the way. I guess no one fears a hockey stick.)

The second employee of Godʼs Railroad, I like to refer to as the “Rich Poor Ghost.” (Not the Poor Rich Ghost there are a lot of them around. Perhaps more today than ever.) You see there is another physical law of the universe; everything, even thought, takes energy no matter how little. But. what is special about the Rich Poor Ghost, is that often when you want to do something else, almost anything else than what you are doing (or change something), it takes energy (or money) to stop what you are doing and even more energy or money to start doing the new thing.

Take for example an old automobile you have that you may still have some payments on it. You would like to rid yourself of the old clunker and get something that would better let everyone know that you are richer than you really are. Now normally there is no problem. You go to the dealer and trade in your old car and drive away with a fully bank owned new car. You can do it because the manufacturer bears the cost of building the auto and charges you a mark up for that service when you purchase the car.

Assume however, he doesnʼt do that and you are required to advance him the cost right from the digging up the metals with which the car is fabricated all the way until it reaches you freshly painted in the color of your choice. You then, for a while, are paying twice, paying for your old car and for your new. Unpleasant, but you have a good job with extra money and a great deal of optimism, so you make the deal. But what happens if you do not have the money? Well you can sell your old car, but you would have to go without personal transportation. You could wait until you have paid off the car, but it is an old car and there is increased upkeep and maintenance before your fully warranted car is ready and so on.

Well, the Rich Poor Ghost is telling us that, if we want to have a chance to avoid driving into the Sorcererʼs Apprenticeʼs wall, it is going to cost money. But, in 2011 we realized that our money (or energy ) is decreasing so there is less of it with which to do what we want. And, since the Rich Poor Ghost tells us is that you must pay twice in order to get that new car or energy system or financial system or whatever, you are going to have to give up something else that you have or want. In other words a significant contraction of life style and a contraction of the economy is necessary.

In 2011 we, vaguely perceiving the God Train about to leave the station, had another drink at the bar decided that the tickets were too expensive and hoped that a new train with cheaper tickets would depart in the morning.

Written by trenzpruca

February 16, 2012 at 7:36 am

Pookie’s Promise to America: Happiness in every Pot.

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Happiness in America:

Pookie promises more happiness for America if he is elected President:

According to a recent study, no matter what else you do, you need at least $70,000 per year in household income to be truly happy. Interestingly, more than that does not make you more happy.

Therefore it is Pookie’s goal that every household will be encouraged to make at least $70,000 in income.

The current economic crisis in Europe:

Pookie says that it does not really exist. It is little more than an attempt by German bankers to control Europe and beyond. What Hitler could not accomplish by force of arms, Merkle, with the assistance of Mario Draghi head of ECB, may by forcing the social destruction of most other European nations for the benefit of German banks. This would leave those impoverished nations little or no option but to turn to these same banks for the financing of any attempts at recovery. If they succeed the German banks would achieve what OWS only dreamed of, the eventual collapse of Wall Street, while the financial capital of the world drifts to Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg.

Therefore, Pookie’s foreign policy will include, declaring German banks terrorists and preparations to attack them with drones.

Happiness, Part II:

On the other hand, studies have also shown that about 40 percent of happiness comes from the things we choose to do, like exercising, setting goals and building friendships. Only about 10 percent of our happiness is based on circumstances like age, race, gender—and, perhaps surprisingly, financial status.

Therefore if elected President a Pookie administration will encourage all Americans to spend 40% of their time doing whatever they like to do, except protesting his administration and engaging in any sexual activities not currently indulged in by Catholic priests, ministers or religious leaders in general.

Written by trenzpruca

February 14, 2012 at 9:20 pm

The Death of Parody?

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It has been quite some time since I have campaigned here, although to some extent I continued on in my other blogs, This and that… and Trenz Pruca’s Journal. Never the less as I mentioned in those other publications, parody of the current race for the Republican nomination for President of the United States may have moved beyond parody and into the realm of pathology.

Oh, yes John Stewart and Steven Colbert are still out there finding things worthy of parody and the Borowitz Report still plugs along. Alas I seem to be losing my ability to mine the humor in it.

For example, a few days ago, I received from some of my most conservative correspondents a now well-known video of the very right-wing Congressman King, calling for President Obama and Nancy Pelosi to leave the United States. Now,  my correspondents would probably shake with indignation (and probably did) at calls for W’s impeachment or for war crimes trials of members of his administration.  Nevertheless. they go on to maintain that those who object to King’s statement are left-wing racists because King is black. They forget that only 3 years ago, they and their cohorts were apoplectic regarding the then candidate’s black pastor’s sermon that Blacks have had little benefit from the Constitution. They claimed at that time their outrage was not racist in nature but indignation at the insult to America.

I mention it here, not because I am surprised or shocked, but to further indicate the level to which any sensible political discourse has fallen due to the pervasive nature of Faux Think and ditto-heads.

Even David Frum who remains a life-long committed Republican and thoughtful consultant to conservative causes apparently has had enough:

“The business model of the conservative media is built on two elements: provoking the audience into a fever of indignation (to keep them watching) and fomenting mistrust of all other information sources (so that they never change the channel). As a commercial proposition, this model has worked brilliantly in the Obama era. As journalism, not so much.”

“But the thought leaders on talk radio and Fox do more than shape opinion. Backed by their own wing of the book-publishing industry and supported by think tanks that increasingly function as public-relations agencies, conservatives have built a whole alternative knowledge system, with its own facts, its own history, its own laws of economics.”

How does one parody Gordon “Chaps” Klingenschmitt who joined other right-wing activists defending the Florida Family Association and Lowe’s, which bowed to the extremist group’s pressure to stop advertising on TLC’s All-American Muslim. Klingenschmitt prayed for God to “grant Lowe’s their greatest financial profits” and asked God to bless the FFA for “exposing the deeds of darkness.” He also labeled All-American Muslim “Islamic propaganda” and said people who oppose FFA’s pressure campaign against the reality show’s advertisers are “terrorist sympathizers.”

And yet, I still receive email correspondence from those who claim that posting this is merely “liberal” propaganda. I just have to sigh and assume they perhaps also believe “Kristallnacht” never happened.

Not all terrorists are Muslim. Some terrorists (alas much too many) claim to be God-fearing American Christians.

Not all Muslims are terrorists or even sympathize with them although, I am sorry to say, when it comes to sympathy for terrorists the same cannot be said of conservative punditry, Faux News and the right-wing religious hierarchy all of whom at one time or another have been known to, if not urge, than at least condone terrorism and killing of those with whom they disagree. Over 40 yeas ago, “Mr. Conservative,” Barry Goldwater wrote:

“I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in “A,” “B,” “C” and “D.” Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?

And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism.”

Isn’t it about time we ask some of our elected officials to show the same courage is opposing these thugs as Barry Goldwater did?


Written by trenzpruca

February 14, 2012 at 3:02 am


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Let’s move Backwards together for a better America.


In my last post, I mentioned that Pookie was the only candidate promising to sell off everything government owns to shrink the beast to insignificance so that the true contributors to the health and welfare of America, the financial industry and biker gangs can be unleashed to save us from the loss of our liberties.

Alas, recently I have learned that, although he has not clearly stated his position in his campaign (unlike Pookie) Rick Perry, the people’s hero and one of God’s elect had earlier this year signed into law what could be a model for federal legislation.  What that law provided the citizens of Texas was to allow all Texas State public buildings, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, ports, mass transit projects, telecommunications, etc., to be sold off to corporations. Even more incredible, the law allows the prospective purchasers to borrow the money from the State who then will guarantee the loans.  According to some commentators, this could allow a foreign company to borrow money from Texas taxpayers to buy the taxpayers own state property at a discount. Way to go, Rick.

If it were not for his undue sympathy for illegal Mexican’s I would consider him as the vice-presidential nominee on a Pookie-Perry ticket. It has a certain pleasant alliterative ring to it don’t you think, PP for President and Vice.


Speaking of VP candidates, Tyron’s mother , of Smyrna Georgia, has recently floated to the top of my list of possible running mates. Tyron’s mom allows her son (Tyron) and his friends to hold meetings in her Smyrna Georgia basement of two of the nations most important community organizations, “The Sponge Bob Square Pants Fan Club” and the “Gay Black Jewish Klansmen For Tolerance and Understanding (chapter #6699).” Good for you Tyron’s mom.


A few days ago on another topic of consequence for this running for president of the united States, who would you add as faces on Mount Rushmore, Michelle Bachman pushed for the inclusion of Ronald Reagan, Calvin Coolidge and James Garfield. Good choices Michele! I would make the same choices except I would include Zeppo Marx (the serious one). Although he was never a president, Zeppo would fit right in with Michele’s choices.


The liberal press has been attacking one of my co-campaigners Herman (The Pizza-man) Cain over allegations, clearly fomented by the Democrats because Reagan’s 11th commandment that Republicans refrain from criticizing one another would prohibit that.

Many true patriots have jumped to Cain’s defense including the indefatigable Ann Coulter who correctly pointed out that, “Our Blacks and better than their Blacks.” Bravo Ann, I agree with you as I am sure old Abe would also. Although, I regret, that I do not have any blacks of my own, if elected I promise one for every American who voted for me.


Ann, who is rapidly becoming my favorite Transsexual pundit, also sagely observed on Fox News that the left was twisting civil rights laws that were passed to help blacks in the South from predation by Democrats, to helping, “White Women from Scarsdale” instead. Thank you Ann for pointing this out. I did not know there were any Democratic white women in Scarsdale. Pookie is always willing to learn. That’s why he should be elected president. He could learn a lot


Written by trenzpruca

November 9, 2011 at 8:51 pm

Back on the Campaign Trail

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I am back on the campaign trail.

I  deferred campaigning for the Republican nomination for President because,  there were so many candidates vying for media attention, I thought it wise to delay hard campaigning while the other candidates devoured each other until only one or two  survived. This I believed would allow me then to clearly focus public attention on the differences between Pookie’s platform and what I believe would undoubtedly be the crypto-socialist candidates that would remain in the race after the true conservatives knocked each other out.

Unfortunately,  unlike previous presidential nomination races, there seems to be no economic necessity for a candidate to drop out  of the current race.  The media and the pundits appear to be raking in so much money from the traveling circus  they can offer the candidates as much free publicity as they could ever wish for. The whole thing resembles not so much a political campaign as a reality show gone awry, “Republican Survivor”.

One candidate,”The Cellophane Candidate,” Tim Pawlenty, did drop out. He now regrets his decision.  So do I since nothing is better than what we have now.

Since  Governor “There’s no There There” departed the stage, the reality show has thrown up one or another participant as viewer favorite, only to have him or her stumble and drop back into the pack.

First we had Michelle  “Crazy Eyes” Bachman, one of a surprising number of candidates running in this election chosen by God. She gives insanity a good name and flaunts an intelligence that would make a third grade grammar school dropout feel superior.  She appears to be running on a platform that promises, if elected, she would ensure that her sex assume the lesser role in all things, as God himself ordained.

Following, Michelle, Rick, “The Texas Messiah” Perry strode onto the stage. His massive shoulders broad enough to carry, the Dominion, Wall Street and Big Oil. But alas, his feet were made of socialist clay that crumbled when his principled stand against Mexican genocide was revealed.  I have it on good authority that, before his campaign faltered, he had approved a new campaign slogan,”Slavery for illegal aliens, genocide never, unless convicted by a court of law in which case they must be put to death, innocent or not.” So the “Great Secessionist’s” campaign foundered.

We now have Herman “The Pizza Man” Cain briefly stepping into the limelight. His claim to fame is that he has made a success of restaurant chain with a moderate ethnic slur in its name. He firmly believes that Abraham Lincoln, “Brainwashed” the slaves when he told them that they would be better off emancipated. His principle platform plank appears to be that if elected he will assure that the very rich shall become even richer and you shall not.

Should Herman “it is your fault if you are not rich” Cain falter, Rick “Sister Mary Joseph” Santorum is waiting in the wings to take up the mantle of “God’s candidate.” Santorum believes that no one should touch their private parts unless they are married. If elected he will ban all urinals in public restrooms since they  encourage the unmarried to fondle their privates in order to pee-pee.

In addition to God’s anointed, there are the marathon candidates. Those who have been running for president for as long as anyone can remember. Recently in a cave in the Ozark Mountains scientists have found painted on the wall a sign that urged, “Vote for Mitt for tribal leader, cave king or blackboard monitor. I’ll take anything just elect me to something”

The socialist cult worshiping Mitt Romney always reminded me of a dog who, no matter how often he has been beaten, will still come back to lick the hands of those that abused him. There have been many rich men pursueing public office who have claimed to have the interests of the common person in mind, Mitt is the only rich man who I know of who claims he is as common as the rest of us.

Then there is the Newtster. Newt “I marry for love and not money” Gingrich is the model for my campaign. He makes no bones about it, he is in it for the money, prestige and power. That is refreshing. If you think about it, that’s what we all are in it for. Do you really think that if Santorum got his “Ban the Urinals” bill passed or Michelle Bachman managed to have the nations homosexuals sent to her husbands rehabilitation centers, they would stop trying so hard to get a government job?

Finally there is John “I am almost sane” Huntsman the nearly rational but utterly hopeless candidate who as you may recall was noted for uttering something like, “Call me crazy, but I think science may be almost a good as Magic.”

Although he has absolutely no support whatsoever from the Republican base, the party poobahs and Fox News, Huntsman holds down the chair that would otherwise  be filled by someone who has just as little support as he has but actually is rational, like Buddy Roemer.

So what makes Pookie different?

First, I admit the obvious, that I am in it for the money, prestige and power. I think riding in Air-force One would be great fun. Living in the White House would be enjoyable, although I think having all those people walking through your house every day could get annoying. Nevertheless, putting my feet up on the desk in the Oval Office would be a nice thing to do. I can go on about the benefits of the job, but you all probably know them as well as I.

Secondly, my platform is more conservative than anyone’s. I do not want just to reduce the role of government. That simply means there would be some government left that can tax us to give to someone else.

What I want is to sell the whole thing off, everything from Parks, to the White House and all the governmental agencies as well; return it all to the private market. Then I would take the money raised from the sale and after deducting some for me and to spread around to America’s true patriots and responsible faith-based organization, I would distribute it among the nations most successful individuals (except for George Soros) and organizations. They then can provide for a fee what ever services currently performed by government an individual may want.

Some may ask about National Defense. Simple these entities and individuals will have so much invested that if they would want to protect it from foreigners who may want it, they can pay for their own protection.

Others, mostly liberals, may wonder how the poor, the lame, sick  and the elderly may fare. First it is probably their own fault they find themselves in those circumstances. Nevertheless, the private market can always find things for them to do that will produce profits for investor. I heard that in several up and coming foreign economic powers, private entities have gathered up the blind, lame and destitute, and provide modest housing and food and assigned places to beg, free of competition in return for them turning over their day’s receipts to the benevolent organizers of the operation.


You are not rich because of illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico.

If you chose to be a teacher,  policeman, fireman, soldier, or nurse, it is your own fault you are not rich.

You are not rich because the government provides free schools for your children.

You are not rich because your government enforces workplace safety rules.

You are not rich because of consumer protection laws that assure that the food that you eat or the products that you buy are wholesome and safe.  


Written by trenzpruca

October 25, 2011 at 3:52 am


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I have been pleased to see the other candidates for the Republican Nomination for the Presidency of the United States speak out strongly against specific governmental agencies they do not like. For example, they all seem to object to the Environmental Protection Agency and most of the candidates would like to see it abolished. This is all well and good, unfortunately I suspect their targets, like the EPA and the Departments of Energy and Education are chosen only to make political points.

We all know that once they get elected those politicians running on a platform of making government smaller, never really reduce the size of government but only lessen its effectiveness because they or their supporters do not like some of the things that agency is doing.

We cannot forget that some of the most vociferous opponents of government size and scope during the campaign, like Ronald Reagan and George Bush once in office increased the size of government beyond anything dreamed of by their predecessors.


Only Pookie has a program laid out in his platform that systematically gets at the cost of government and its interference with our personal lives. Privatize it. Let private enterprise and the consumer bear the cost of those services some people think are so important and not the taxpayer.

When I am elected President one of my highest priorities will by privatizing the existing federal governmental agencies. Today I intend to discuss that nest of socialists, the United States Department of State.


When you really get down to it what does the State Department do, except operate as a dumping ground for liberal, one-worlder, trilateral commission trained civil servants. Most of the time It’s employees, on taxpayers money, do little more than attend interminable meetings with foreign governments all of whom want either money from us or to somehow weaken us.

Other bureaucrats in the Department are employed to supervise giving taxpayer money to these same foreign governments for something like family planning or some socialistic scheme or another. Inevitably that money is used by those foreign governments against our interests.

And finally they run the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Now of all the entities we should be considering eliminating given their performance is the INS.


Recently I have learned that the current British Government, following the sensible policies laid down by the Sainted Margaret Thatcher, has privatized its visa service in many countries. By all reports it is working well. As a result of the usual efficiency of private enterprise, gone are the long waits for action while overpaid civil servants dither about. Instead, by using labor supplied by the market, someone seeking a visa to travel to England finds approval a snap. It is working so well and efficiently for the British government that a recent newspaper report from Thailand mentioned that certain towns and villages new London have begun to look like Pattaya in Thailand.

If we, in the United States, should privatize the INS the illegal immigrant issue will disappear as the privatized immigration companies scour the country for applicants. Money currently paid to Coyotes or other middlemen would now go to legitimate businesses. The cost of the INS now born by the overburdened taxpayer would be eliminated as the privatized companies would pay their costs out of their fees they charge to applicants. Why should the Taxpayer subsidize immigrants? If they want to come to America so much, they should pay for the opportunity. In fact instead of a cost to the taxpayer the INS should return money to the taxpayer from the franchise fees, the private companies would have to pay.

Our great US travel industry already has the capability to operate such a system why should government compete with what they can do well? This is a win-win solution all around, the problem is solved, the taxpayers are relieved of a cost and jobs are created in the private sector.

Now some liberal Democrats who believe that government should run everything in our lives will probably object that privatizing the INS would leave our borders open for people to willy-nilly cross. Nonsense, they do not understand and expose their hate for private enterprise. Our borders will be well protected since failure to do so that cut into the profits of Immigration and Naturalization companies. We can rely on them to efficiently close our borders to all who have not paid their fee and of course include the cost in their charges. Again, another win-win for America and the taxpayers; they, the privative companies will pay the cost of protecting the our borders and profit from it by raising visa fees.


Regarding all these meetings with foreign officials, usually our ambassadors aRE chosen because of their political contribution to successful candidates. Why not simply have some corporation take over the job and pay the American people for the privilege?


Written by trenzpruca

August 25, 2011 at 8:29 am


with 2 comments

I ,like all my opponent’s for the Republican Nomination for President in the 2012 Presidential election, think government and the national debt are too big.


I also agree with my fellow candidates that the size of government and the size of the deficit are Democratic problems. Although when Republicans are in power the growth of government and the bloating of the debt are generally far larger than that under Democratic administrations, this is not a problem. The reason for this is that under the Democrats this growth is unnecessary, while under the Republicans it is growth of neither government nor debt, but necessary investments to preserve our essential liberties from those within or without of the country threatening to take them away.


Where I disagree with the other contenders is what to do about this Democrat Inspired glut of governmental drones and debt.

You see, almost all my opponents themselves have worked for government for most of their careers and/or desperately want to work for it by getting themselves elected. Many of them may be running simply because they suspect that they could not pass the civil service exams and thereby enjoy the health care and retirement benefits available to governmental employees. Some of the more perceptive realize that the salaries and benefits afforded to elected officials exceed even that of those crossleted bureaucrats in government.

And what happens when they get elected? You do not see them doing their job then leaving public service. No, almost always, they run for office again.

And how do they get themselves re-elected? Well, often by pandering to those elements of the government most supportive of their re-election (e.g., For Republicans, the defense industry, and for Democrats, teachers of our children).


It is my policy to go to the heart of the matter. It is not that we have too many bureaucrats but that we have too many elected officials who, despite their, are the ones responsible for governmental growth and escalating costs.

Immediate 50% Reduction in Elected Officials

I call for a nation wide 50% across the board reduction in the number of elected officials.

Although this will go far toward solving the problem, for those remaining aspirants for public office the benefits are still too attractive, especially since it is obvious that most of them are ill-equipped to obtain equivalent private market jobs. Just look at the current field of candidates for the highest elective office in the land. In almost all cases they have never really held an equivalent private (and if truth be known public) sector job, or are running on family money or in the case of the sainted Newt Gingrich (and a few others) have made a personal financial killing on their public careers.

Restrict Salaries of All Elected Officials

So, in order the make sure that the attractiveness of the financial incentives of the job do not outweigh the public purpose of elected office, I propose that the salaries of all publicly elected officials be limited to that of the minimum wage of the jurisdiction from which they are elected. Also any elected official should be prohibited from accepting any financial remuneration from any source during their time of service.

Restrict Public Benefits of Elected Officials

In addition, in order to prevent them from feathering their own nests by voting themselves other benefits, like gilt-edged health or retirement benefits. Therefor I propose that, elected officials shall not be entitled any public benefit not also available to every citizen residing in the district from which he or she was elected.


Also, I believe, the problem in politics today is not campaign contributions and the wealthy individuals and corporations that give them. After all it is their money, they should be able to spend it as they wish.

Prohibition on Accepting Campaign Contributions

The problem is that the politicians are free to accept these gifts. Obviously if they do so, common courtesy tells us that they will feel indebted to the generous donors of this largess. Therefore, I propose:

Anyone running for public office should be prohibited from accepting campaign contributions of any kind from anyone.


Finally, we cannot forget, these are still politicians, even those who have never run for office before are politicians, even more so once they are elected. They simply cannot be trusted and therefore I propose:

That for every politician elected to public office there be a citizen from that jurisdiction selected by lot like a juror for a trial who shall serve alongside that elected official and keep an eye on him or her.

At the next campaign stop of one of my opponents for the nomination, I ask you to inquire of them if they will pledge to abide by these policies to clean up the election process. I bet they wont.